“Virgin tasted it, regretted and repented from it Experience, experienced it dreadfully and showed no remorse! Virgin may ask experience one Main question as to why he Didn't show any regrets afterwards But he replied experience is always the best teacher! Oo virgin cries out loudly And condemns herself a million times Only if she knew experience can be very witty She wouldn't have befriended him then, Curiosity nearly killed me with the tool of adventure Yet I escaped it slowly with the power of wisdom. Arrogance needed a space in my territory to give adventure a breeding place to sleep yet It was sacked and whipped shamefully With the knowledge of obedience! Virgin virgin virgin It's not easy to be a virgin Patience is it soulmate And it is always worth the effort to wait I am proud to be a virgin!” What about you?! Written by Theophil_Orel© Copyright protected