A little sleep, a little slumber And Satan is gonna rob u like a burglar Folding ur hands will bring u hunger Worse for you if u are a loafer Soo let's stand tall and stay together Vigilant to defeat the approacher Make use of every little time So as to prepare ur prime Ceasing every form of whine And so eager to take a ride A little drop of water makes a mighty ocean Get up on ur feet and stop the failure notion No pain; no gain, no fall; no rise Soo get it in ur gumption Take ur bible; get ur pen It's time for action Know that someone out there needs salvation Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who died for us To set us free from sin Born with no silver spoon Soo we making our own moves Digging our own grooves The sense of liberty as we cruise Life is truly free in the ghetto guys' shoes Laughing as we compare our own blues A way of sharpening our own tools Making them hot whiles we are still cool Like Stone Cold...We don't just booze Buh...