The irony behind a day being emphatically stated out as good When at Calvary, the Mighty Man, God's only son had to face His doom(crucifixion) The death which is special That which brought life Life unto every mankind: A good Friday Oh April! such a special month But the Joker got involved Oh don't get lost yet I mean who's April's fool? Maybe a coincidence but it's what makes it special A bit of fun and a bit of pain, the price He paid that we may not perish To you and I as believers, to every death there's a resurrection Even traditionalists believe in reincarnation But there is one man who established such reality He who died and resurrected on the third day Did spiritually and appeared unto all men physically That they may believe, accept Him and be freed from conviction : The bondage of sin And Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! It so happened as aforementioned On day three he resurrected The impossible was made possible, a successful m...