Every morning in a while
Souls leave their bodies laying idle.
Every afternoon in a mean time
They try to put their bodies to use after the unexpected
But to no avail.

Only for them to realize that
They are in another realm.
They try to put things in place in their thoughts.
They search around just to talk to someone
But humanity permits not.

Mortuary men have their income increasing
While Souls weep for a chance to live once again.
Unfortunately,it is ordained for them to live once.
Your time will come, mine will come.

The world has forgotten how it will be like.
They have normalize the soon coming day.
The rapture, in a blink within a second.
Going to church is not an insurance ,
Healing the sick is not a guarantee ,
Winning thousands of souls is not a way.
It entails more than what we thought of.
It all depends on you .

The trumpets 🎺 🎺 are well set.
And the angels are more than ready to blow it.
Hell is demanding and it's associates are searching for souls to win.
They are fulfilling their great commission.

*Hell is real; the burning fire, the Gehenna, the outer darkness demands more than expected.*
Where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Full of remorse and torment.
A place where there is no exit, no second chance.
A place where you only hears your cry.
What do you think ?

Some believe it is here on earth.
Others believe it is on the sun.
But it exits .Everlastingly !!
Soon and very soon, the seeds will be sieved to get the stones and the chaff out.
Be that fruitful seed that was planted to be fruitful.

All because,every morning in a while
Souls leave their bodies idle.
Every afternoon in a mean time,
They try to put their bodies to use after the unexpected.
But to no avail.

Only for them to realize
That they are in another realm.
They try to put things in place in their thoughts.
They search around just to talk to someone
But humanity permits not.
Because their time was due
So soon

Written by ABIGAIL TABITHA  and danielthepoet.©Copyright protected.


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