Priceless Possession

I never knew a bed and blanket are needed to exchange Valentine gifts and greetings

People start this day with minds so right
But as their hearts darken as night
The light in their minds go out
That they can't see right that in the heights of lust
They get lost so tight

They are Christians with no intention to function in such a faction
But temptation with its cohorts
Cripple their gumptions and lead them to fornication

Are there a people holy and untouched?
Yes, there are about 7000 men whose lips have not kissed baal
Neither have their knees bowed to baal
So why leave purity at the mercy of lust.
Why sell a priceless treasure for pleasure due to needless pressure

Freidrich Wilhem said
One must be a sea, to receive a polluted stream without becoming impure

So, Sisters, brothers,
Shine your eyes
For you are tomorrow's sunrise
God didn't descend from Heaven to prevent the devil from tempting Eve
Neither will He in this generation
Because The Holy Spirit has given us all the passwords and codes
To decode the devil's devices
So we can rise from the lies of his enticing eyes

Beware of dogs
For, the Bible says
Don't give what is holy to dogs;
Nor cast your pearls to swine,
Lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces
Therefore dearly beloved
Be wise, think twice, before your demise, where you'll have no chance to revise your notes.
And one more thing
Kindly choose 'Life Over Vapid Emotions'

A Val's day to all
God help us. Amen


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