We all need a break,
from the rut of daily life
we all need God...
to ease our daily strife.

We all need rest,
quite, peaceful tranquility
we all need God...
to restore our vitality.

We all need a break,
from the daily rush
we all need God...
our hearts to hush.

We all need peace,
calming, silent quietness
we all need God...
to shush us with stillness.

We all need a break,
from the daily grind
we all need God...
to give us peace of mind!

I know right now,
all seems so dark . . .
and you're not sure
just where to start.

The news you got,
wasn't very good
your mind is stuck
on the if's and could's.

But, God's got this,
He knows what to do
and His wisdom
will surely come to you.

I know right now,
all seem so bleak
answers to questions
are all you seek.

So much uncertainty,
right now to face
too many decision
you need to embrace.

But, Jesus is there,
right now with you
to help and show you
what you need to do.

I know right now,
it seems dark tonight
but, tomorrow you'll see
things better in His light!

 Life is full of danger,
challenges galore
problems too impossible
for us to ignore.

But, we who trust in God,
you'll not see gloomy
for God is our refuge
when life gets stormy.

Life is full of perils,
hazards abounding
worries that leave
our hearts pounding.

But, we who trust in God,
rise over them and sing
for we have found our joy
in the strength He brings.

Life is full of danger,
challenges galore
problems too impossible
for us to ignore

 When faced with a dilemma,
and you don't know what to do
when pastors and counselors
no longer are able to help you.

When you have exhausted,
all of your family and friends
when you've tried everything
but, to your problem there's no end.

When there's no one else,
to whom your gut you can spill
and you still need to know
for yourself, what is God's will.

Before you even reach,
the end of your wit
before you start to think
of calling it quit.

That's when you need to go,
to God who's orchestrated
the solution to your problem...
before it is even  formulated.

God is King.
#World Poetry's  Day. #

Written by Martinson Afari and danielthepoet©Copyright protected. 


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