University:The place to have sex?

University is the place to have sex?

Before people enter university, they have the perception that to have sex there, is simple like rolling a dice.
Is that so, or is that a joke?
If that's so,  are the boys the cause or the girls at fault?

I thought relationship in the university brings about this sex Issue,  but that is no longer the case.
If you are a darling fresh boy,
If you have the money,
If you have the class,
the gateway is opened to you.
Are the girls now cheap?
Or to have sex is now the latest trend.

It's always said that, it is difficult to find a virgin in the university.
I always never believed it,  because it's like saying, a fish can climb a tree.
But until I entered, before I realised it.
So are we now going to still make this perception rule over us?

Or is it now Satan?

Do we now smell Satan,that he has something brewing
in hell’s kitchen  for us. .
it’s been a long time he did stewing.

Has he concocted a recipe,
full of immorality
causing a stir . . .
with people’s sexuality.

Has he  formulated a menu,
to serve to university students . . .
where one’s very own sex
can be redefined.

Is it really Satan or us.?

It's a mix up of our behaviour and the devil's influence.
Let us stay safe and pray for support from God to be able to resist from the devil and let us also try to desist from friends who insist we do  bad things.
Let's us keep our dignity to ensure that we still have divinity  with God.

Let's say No to
University is it the place to have sex?

Written by danielthepoet©Copyright protected.


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