Almost half the population of Ghanaian youth are under unhealthy relations. This has brought about teenage pregnancies and has defiled the dignity of Ghanaians. As I sat down thinking about this, I had an answer to the two most important questions most people ask before or during a relationship; why should I date and why do people break up? . As you read further, these two questions will be answered.

Most adolescents have in them  three things and these are the most Influential tools that push them to enter or embrace dating. The youth is looking for a place where they feel they are loved and cared for. Again, they search for intimacy and companionship. Lastly, they search for security and self - esteem. These three things are on each adolescents mind and as they turn youth it  becomes difficult to handle.

The youth as Josh McDowell stated in his book Why true love waits is "searching for place and people who they can freely share their pains and gains with". In search of this, they end up in unhealthy relationship. Few of them also value being with  the opposite sex rather than always being alone in their houses.

For the ready-to-marry youth, upon seeing their “loved’’ one, they have nothing else than thinking about meeting at places and having fun. Some go the extent of having dreams. It is all about intimacy and companionship. Thought it’s not bad at a certain level, but the craving desire of the youth makes the entire thing to be blind. Almost every minute, they want to hear or feel the presence of the other. It’s nothing, they are just seeking for intimacy and companionship.

Making this brief, every human being and to be precise, the youth needs a great feel of belonging. I strongly believe that the youth mostly feel lonely than the adults. They shift their focus to someone who can at least make them feel “I am also a person’’.

Marriage must not be based solely on love but love and friendship. Love according to dictionaries is a strong feeling that we show to others. It being a feeling should simply tell
us that,  the current youth will one day grow week. A lot of marriages breakdown not because any of the couple had stop doing one thing or the other, but according to the Christian Holy Book, love grows cold. Mcdowell cited in Why true love waits that, "many young people today are so much desperate crying out for love that they will not believe anything and fall for anyone". He continued; "the truth is ignored in moment of heat’’. The truth is; at the moment that the heart of the youth is filled with “human-emotional ‘’- love, and human actions, that relationship or marriage is 80 percent likely to breakdown.

Again, the current youth's marriage is all about beauty and not character or attitude. Guys are really simple when it comes to matters like marriage. Since you hold that title- Beautiful, dare to be lost, he will win your heart. Ladies on the other hand are, also simple when it comes to matters of the heart. Let me be a little biblical. Proverbs says, beauty is in vain. And it is true. All those who marry based on beauty of the opposite sex breaks up not long after marriage.

One last thing I will talk about is, the youth marries ambition or wealth. There is no way the current youth will marry a poor person. They marry Educated and hardworking, Active and money-fetching. Try and watch this movie; married but single. Most are dating but are single yet they think it will change when they marry. No! There is no way this can change so don’t go and increase dIvorce rate in your country. Let me remind you here that most work a lot, yet yield or earn little. The Richest Man In Babylon written by George Clason and also the Bible (Hosea 1:5-8) clearly states, "that not every effort bring enough home".

To conclude, marriage was created purposely for support not love, wealth nor beauty. From creation till now, the motive of creating marriage was not because men cannot control their emotions when they the see the opposite sex neither was it created that the rich will only enjoy. Marriage was created for support. I will urge you to choose wisely because it is one-for-life journey.

Written by Emmanuel addo---- Constant books



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