The word 'Bribe', is one of the most common English words used in the Ghanaian community, whether an  illiterate or not, the meaning of the word is known to everyone.The Merriam- Weber dictionary defines Bribe as "money or favour given or promised in order to influence the judgement or conduct of a person in a position of trust".

Bribery has been going on in the country and this time around, it has found it's way into the Christian environment. In this modern world, fake pastors are making Christians to believe that God takes Bribe. It is perceived that, as a Christian, when you pray to God, He does not give instant answers to our prayers, so we have to be patient. But you can wait and wait and wait, it still doesn't come. With this, we are made to believe that, God takes Bribe.

This fake pastors act as brokers. Brokers can be explained as, "someone who arranges something such as a deal or agreement". So these fake pastors act as brokers in this bribing activity. The fake pastors tell us to buy, anointing oils, handkerchiefs and stickers at expensive prices, pay huge amount of money into their mobile money. They always say when we do that, we will get instant answers to our prayers, indirectly trying to Bribe God.
Taking it the other way, you can't just stand up and Bribe someone. You first talk and plead with the person and if he doesn't agree, then you try to persuade the person by bribing. That is the same way if Christians, we pray to God by pleading with Him to do something for us, since we do not receive an instant answer, we are deceived that, you can persuade God by giving Him Bribe .

But, bribery always involves two activities. The taking of the Bribe and the receiving of the Bribe. Although, these fake pastors deceive people that God takes Bribe, in actual sense, God does not accept the Bribe. Even God talks about Him disliking Bribe in 2 Chronicles 19:7 which says, "Now then, let the fear of the Lord be upon you, be careful what you do for the Lord our God will have no part in unrighteousness, partiality or the taking of Bribe". This clearly shows that, God does not take Bribe, the fake pastors deceive us, and rather send the Bribe to smaller gods for them to provide solutions to our answers, which is bad.
God does not take bribe. Let us all wake up from carnality and embrace spirituality.
Let's all rise up against this. Anas should also investigate and Expose those fake pastors who are deceiving millions of Christians.
God is a just God, and will not accept Bribe. Let us wait patiently for one day, He will answer us. "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up".

God does not take bribe; Anas must expose fake pastors. 

Written by daniethepoet©Copyright protected.


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