In the Dark

In the dark,
Fear, grief and despair visited me
Not knowing what kind of world I was in
My eyes yearning for a flash of light
But only sees darkness and nothing else
Walks on the unseen path for hours
Thinking if I could only meet the light
There loneliness, agony and desperation
Came to stay with me

Sitting down in the dark alone
There tears start to run down my cheeks
And my heart beating faster as ever
Then my courage also grows dim
And my strength melting as ice
But the only friend I met was time
Talking of patience and perseverance
Then I knew it’s a matter of time

Still in the dark
I thought I could find any good
Since all good are in the light
But there it thought me more of what
I needed to achieve my dreams

In the dark,
There my physical and spiritual muscles became really strong
There I gain some unique potentials that
I couldn’t have in the light
There I had the secrets of having a good life
Everyone never wish to be in the dark place
But I certainly tell you
There your questions would be genuinely answered.

Written  by Vision the poet©Copyright protected 


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