That moment
My present, my past, my future
Among many
Some good, some bad and some okay
But here we are in that moment
When after many years of struggle and devastating moment
You come out being victorious
Not knowing that right words to express your emotions
Then you look into the mirror
Just to say that outer beauty attracts but the inner captivates

That moment
When you meet that one perfect queen
And your heart runs deep into hers
Awakening feelings unnecessary
But a sudden becomes a stammer to voice out
Your true feelings to her

That moment
When you try hard many times
To catch up with your dreams
But rejection, words of discouragement and disappointment
Hold you back
You look around for help but all arms seem to be folded at yoBah a sudden call makes everything look certainly perfect and right

See every moment of your life
As moments of change
As moments of throwback to your failure, your victories and of love
Every journey is never ending
There is always going to be moments of growth, development and
You just need to take it all in and do what’s right
Continue to live in the moment
For no matter what how dark it is
Love and hope will always endure

Written by vision the poet©Copyright protected


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