Abide before the devil takes you for a ride

Because in this great darkness,
many souls are restless
Blinded so they can't complain or confess
The masquerade parades himself in the streets of town
Like an angel of light he drags people into the night
So Abide
Created to abide yet he persuades us to go hide
So before we arrive he wants to connive but no❗
he won't succeed cos we're the incorruptible seed of Abba, father
So we don't fall nor are we slaves to sin

People, this world is so dark
And because the prince of this world loves the night
He's turned off the lights that he may grip us so tight
But no❗
Christ said “I am come a light into the world that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness”

Friends, look sharp, be firm in the rock
Stick to the rod, keep your eyes on the road
Before you loose the divine track
Lest you get stuck, never to bounce back
See, to abide under the shadow of the almighty it behoves on you to stay in. His secret place

Look, abide and ye shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bears forth his fruits in his season; his leaf shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
Truth be told you cant be connected to the divine vine and remain fruitless
so abide and bear fruits

You'll agree with me
that sometimes it's difficult to abide
Looking at the “beautiful” things this world has to offer
And sometimes we quiver
But we have a friend
who has tasted of all these uncertainties
And because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
So i just want to tell you

People abide, before the devil takes you for a ride…

Written by Rivers©Copyright protected


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