Why Abort?

Why Abort??
Mistakes, we say, are a part of life
But two wrongs never make a right
Is it because you are not yet a wife?
At least, this time, just make it right.

Children, a gift from God to you.
Fortunate as you are, someone never had one.
What if after rejecting this gift, He gives you none
Are you going to blame Him or opt to be a nun.

Why be a murderer whiles you can be a mother?
Is it because he is not ready to be called a father?
But remember, our God who art in heaven is our father
This gift he gave you and will surely be a provider.

Why abort? Why soil your hands with blood?
Why stain your conscience with guilt?
The toddler, when in your arms can make you glad.
A brighter future together could be built.

You will one day look back and smile
You will be happy you embraced this present
Facing the world and receiving this gift was worthwhile
The so-called humiliations of the past can't be compared to the joy of the present

Why abort?
Anytime you are in this dilemma, remember children are a gift and not bought
People have tried to have theirs but all their efforts were brought to nought
Be bold, you will be doing the will of God in a sort
And always be grateful to God whenever you hear the cry of the baby in the cot.

Happy Mothers Day
Congratulations you never aborted, you chose to be a mother.

Written by biggiethepoet©Copyright protected.


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