You Tried Mum...

Dear first born, always remember I do not have much to offer
All I've got is unceasing prayers
But if I'm left with no option than to offer you my last bread so I die out of hunger
Then so be it
Because I'd rather die giving my all to sustain your life than to live to see you die"
Her first and last advice I heard.

Man can't be ungrateful
That really hit me hard
Obviously she's got many troubles that I do not understand
Probably during her prime ahe lost while playing her cards
Maybe, just maybe, she didn't know how to play them well or she's tried all she can
But life still chooses to be hard on her

"This is the truth son:
If you follow your friends and let their lifestyles eat into your brains
You'll never live to appreciate my presence in your life
Wake up and put on your thinking cap!"
And in every sense she was righ.t
Lo and behold stepdad confirms it,
"You know your background has nothing to offer you right?
However do not think of yourself as inferior

Friendship! My dear, Friendship!
Know that it can make and/or unmake you
Therefore being aware of the risks involved although you can't do without, be circumspect in
choosing whose lifestyle you want to imitate
Do not be like them because the best person you can be is you"
Those were stepdad's words
To me things do fall apart sometimes
But I also understand all things work together for my good

Today is a day set aside for her
I do not know if she can see and/or read this
But it's something from my heart
And I can't help but to release it
Happy mothers' day mama
You're my superhero, my everything
My wonder woman !
~Written byAfrifa Francis Osei Tutu (Chulqhid_OT ) ,©Copyright protected.


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